Well, today I thought that I would indulge in some authentic Khmer cuisine. In the past I have “eaten the bugs”, which included fried grasshoppers and beetles.. Today, I will have some soup with familiar ingredients like noodles, onions, and mushrooms. However, this particular soup included chicken feet and congealed chicken blood cut into square…
Author: Mid Life Travels
Kampot Riverside and Entanou “Rainbow Bridge” Day and Night
Today, we will stroll along Kampot Riverside. I have added some of my favorite things to do (so far) whether it be day or night. The Riverwalk along the Praek Tuek Chhu River, which is southeast of the Elephant Mountains and around 5 km (3 mi) from the Gulf of Thailand. I found the river to be similar to the…
Living in a Shipping Container – Kampot Cambodia – Worth It?
After spending a week in Phnom Penh, the next stop in my journey was Kampot and experience Living in a Shipping Cambodia. Would the experience be worth it, or possibly one that I would dread. I committed myself to a month’s rent on Airbnb to receive the lengthy stay discount.. After making my reservation at…
Jetlag is Real! Walking Riverside in Phnom Penh Along Mekong
The long awaited arrival of Phnom Penh, Cambodia. After my 40 hour airport journey from Missouri, to Chicago , to Doha, Qatar, to Phnom Penh I was exhausted but made the choice to go out anyway for a few drinks. Who wants to go to sleep immediately upon arrival? This was probably a mistake, because…
Doha Qatar Review During Airport Layover – The Adventure Begins
Well, my journey began about 20 hours ago… First stop was O’Hare airport in Chicago and “enjoyed” a 5 hour layover. The next stop was Doha, Qatar which is a 14 hour flight from Chicago. Now, here we are at the beautiful Qatar airport and settling in for a 9 hour layover. The joys of…
AI Took My Job, Income, Life – Starting Over as A Travel Blogger
Artificial Intelligence may serve it’s purpose for good, but the potential to eradicate millions of jobs all over the world is a very real (and inevitable) possibility. For the past 20 years I have made a modest living as an affiliate marketer online. I would partner with companies that manufacture products that I am interested…